


主讲人:王耀南教授 中国工程院院士

    焦李成教授 欧洲科学院院士





长期致力于机器人感知与控制技术研究和工程应用。开创机器人自主加工规划与决策技术体系,提出高速高精视觉感知与自适应鲁棒控制等方法,突破多机器人协同制造技术难题,发明机器人灵巧精准作业技术。率先研制出智能制造机器人自动化柔性生产线控制系统等,并成功应用于航空、舰船、汽车、电子、医药等国内外企业和国家重大工程。创建了机器人国家工程实验室。以第一完成人获国家技术发明二等奖1项、国家科技进步二等奖3项、省部级一等奖11项。发表SCI论文160余篇,出版著作8部,获国家发明专利70余项。入选国家“百千万人才工程”、德国洪堡学者、中国自动化学会会士。培养出博士60余名,获得 “全国五一劳动奖章”、“全国先进工作者”等。

Brief Introduction of Professor Yaonan Wang


Yaonan Wang, male, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, expert of robot technology and intelligent control, from Longling County, Yunnan Province, CPC member. He is currently a Professor and doctoral supervisor of Hunan University. He served as the dean of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering and the dean of the School of Robotics of Hunan University. Besides, he is currently the director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, and the executive director of China Society of Automation and the supervisor of China Society of Artificial Intelligence. He also served as a subject expert in the field of intelligent robots under the National 863 program Chief scientist of the major international cooperation projects of the fifth framework of the European Union.

He has long been devoted to the research and engineering application of Robot Perception and Control Technology. He created the system of robot autonomous processing planning and decision-making technology, and proposed the methods of high-speed and high-precision visual perception and adaptive robust control. Additionally, he broke through the technical problems of multi-robot collaborative manufacturing, and invented the technology of robot dexterous and accurate operation. He is the first to develop the system of intelligent manufacturing robot automatic flexible production line control, which has been successfully applied in aviation, ship, automobile, electronics, medicine and other domestic and foreign enterprises and national major projects. He has established the National Engineering Laboratory of Robotics. As the first author, he won one second prize of national technological invention, three second prizes of national scientific and technological progress and 11 first prizes of provincial and ministerial level. He has published over 160 SCI papers, edited 8 books and granted over 70 national invention patents. He was selected as a member of the national "ten million talents project", a Humboldt scholar in Germany, and a member of China automation society. He has trained more than 60 doctors, and was awarded the "National May 1st Labor Medal" and "national advanced workers".


焦李成,男,教授,博士生导师,欧洲科学院外籍院士,俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士。现任西安电子科技大学计算机科学与技术学部主任、人工智能研究院院长、智能感知与图像理解教育部重点实验室主任、智能感知与计算国际联合研究中心主任、智能感知与计算国际合作联合实验室主任、“智能信息处理科学与技术”高等学校学科创新引智基地主任、教育部科技委学部委员、教育部人工智能科技创新专家组专家、“一带一路”人工智能创新联盟理事长、陕西省人工智能产业技术创新战略联盟理事长、西安市人工智能产业发展联盟理事长、中国人工智能学会第六-七届副理事长、全国高校人工智能与大数据创新联盟副理事长、IET西安分会主席、IEEE西安分会奖励委员会主席、IEEE计算智能协会西安分会主席、IEEE GRSS西安分会主席,IEEE TGRS副主编、IEEE TCyb副主编、教育部创新团队首席专家,IEEE Fellow、IET Fellow、首批中国人工智能学会会士、中国自动化学会会士、中国电子学会会士、中国计算机学会会士,连续七年入选爱思唯尔高被引学者榜单。国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员,人社部博士后管委会评议组专家,曾任第八届全国人大代表。1991年被批准为享受国务院政府特殊津贴的专家,1996年首批入选国家“百千万”人才工程(第一、二层次),陕西省首批“三五人才”第一层次。当选为全国模范教师、陕西省突出贡献专家和陕西省师德标兵。

Brief Introduction of Professor Licheng Jiao


Licheng Jiao, male, Professor, doctoral supervisor, foreign academician of European Academy of Sciences, foreign academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He is currently the director of the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology of Xidian University, and the dean of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence. He is also the director of the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education, the director of the International Research Center for Intelligent Perception and Computation, the director of the Joint International Research Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Computation, and the director of the National Base of Intelligent Information Processing. Additionally, he is the member of the science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of Education in China, the expert of Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Expert Group of Ministry of Education, and the chairman of AI Innovation Alliance of "One belt, one road". He is also the chairman of Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance in Shaanxi Province, the vice president of the 6th and 7th sessions of the Chinese society of Artificial Intelligence, and the vice president of the National University Artificial Intelligence and big data Innovation Alliance. Besides, he is the chairman of IET Xi'an Branch, the chairman of IEEE Xi'an Branch Award Committee, the chairman of IEEE Computational Intelligence Association Xi'an Branch, and the chairman of IEEE GRSS Xi'an Branch. He is the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and the Presiding Panelist for the Innovative Team in the Ministry of Education. He is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of IET and the member of Chinese society of Artificial Intelligence, the member of Chinese society of Automation, the member of Chinese Society of Electronics and the member of Chinese Society of Computer. He has been awarded the Highly Cited Researchers of Elsevier for seven consecutive years. He is the member of the discipline appraisal group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, the expert of the Postdoctoral Management Committee of the Ministry of Humanities and Social Sciences, and served as the deputy of the 8th National People's Congress. He has been receiving special government allowance from the State Council since 1991. In 1996, he was selected among the first batch of in the New Century Talents Project (the first and second classes) and the “Three Fives” Talent Project of Shaanxi Province. He was also awarded the National Model Teacher, the Outstanding Contribution Expert of Shaanxi Province, the Teacher Pacemaker of Ethics in Shaanxi Province.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2021-07-20